Wednesday 30 April 2008


While going through my collection of old comics fanzines I stumbled across some interesting-for-geeks factoids to share:

Marvel's adaptation of the opening episode of BATTLESTAR GALACTICA fell foul of the studio.  Universal demanded three minor changes to the text features in the magazine (Super Special) edition and, as a result, most copies had to be shredded before they were distributed.  However, Marvel sneaked-out some copies into Midwestern markets figuring that no-one at the studio would notice.

Marvel's magazine-format adaptation of STAR TREK: THE MOTION PICTURE was meant to be priced at $2 rather than the standard $1.50 (Marvel figured that Trek fans would happily shell-out the extra half-buck meaning bigger profits for the House of Ideas) but someone in production cocked-up and the issue appeared with the usual price.  Marvel were estimated to have lost $50,000 in extra profits.  To make matters worse, the contract with Paramount set a firm on-sale date to coincide with the film's premiere.  Except, Marvel's distribution operation blundered and the magazine, with a full adaptation of the hush-hush movie, appeared a month early!

(Both from: Of Magazines and Movie Adaptations, an interview with former Marvel editor Rick Marschall, in BEM issue 27, March 1980)

Sales figures for the 1985 MARVEL UK comics line:
The Getalong Gang 119,000
Secret Wars 100,000
Transformers, The 56,500
Star Wars 48,500
Spider-man 40,000
Doctor Who Magazine 39,500
Captain Britain 38,000
Storyland 23,000
Starburst Magazine 20,000

(From: FANTASY ADVERTISER issue 92, August/ September 1985).

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